What a variable morning that was! Snow blanking out the entire view one moment, blue sky and sunshine the next - but at least it settled for the clear sky for the afternoon and evening. I was washing up after breakfast, looking out at the snowy garden, when I remembered I'd seen a couple of daffodils in an unloved corner of the garden (I think I dumped them years ago when they'd not been flowering) and another all on its own out the front. Reader, I rescued them. The solitary one was actually lying with its flower in the snow; the others were drooping sadly under the weight of it (it was very wet snow). By afternoon they were looking already more fulsome, and I was pleased with their portrait, which is why it's the subject of this blip.
I never used to be so long-winded in my blips; indeed, when I didn't really know if anyone much was reading them I wrote hardly anything. So here's the rest of my day: I went to my painting class, my teacher having returned from Africa - spent ages working on how to paint a realistic eye. I did some Italian. I made an early dinner, ate it with the sun actually shining on my face, read for a bit. And later we had choir practice, the first full turnout in weeks if not months.
And later still I went out into the back garden in my fleecy dressing gown and took my extra photo. It was proper country dark tonight, with only one house across the way showing any light, so there are many more stars than you might think, so many that it's actually quite hard to make out Orion. That's because I took the photo on the long exposure setting (iPhone 11) and then reduced the exposure on Photos while increasing the level of the Black Point. I didn't get seeing the Aurora because we were singing and besides, there were hills in the way.
Can't have it all ...
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