Copan in the morning

We left at the very civilised hour of 9 for a long drive, so I had time to have a walk around the pretty town before getting on the bus. We finally arrived in Suchitoto at 6pm. The journey was made complicated because of road closures due to a strike. We therefore crossed from Honduras into Guatemala, then drove over mountain roads to cross back into Honduras. This involved finger-printing, money payments, cameras etc. so the pages in my passport are getting used up. Finally we were over the border into El Salvador at 3pm when we found lunch. El Salvador is cheaper for food. The town La Palma was very pretty - the children had done bright murals ion the buildings and the basketball court had colourful panels on the roof.

Our hotel has a view of the lake (a dam has been built) but we drew the short straw for a room - it overlooks a courtyard and not the open view to a lake. We fancied a g and t but they have “No tonica”. The margaritas are $6 so we’ll give them a miss.

I’m sorry for lack of comments but we are having long days and sometimes the wifi is poor so it’s hard enough to upload my blip.

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