Waiting for my Lesson

I arrived early in Saltaire for my recorder lesson this morning so spent a while watching the world go by.  It was a bright, chilly start to the day with a snowy crust and I enjoyed my walk down through the estate to catch the train.

My lesson went well and I particularly enjoyed 'playing' with the flip book which my tutor used to help me to get 6/8 timing correct.  I think I may have to put that book on the wishlist.  Tony met me afterwards and we had an abortive visit to the curtain shop then called in at the dump to drop off the steam cleaner which exploded!  We were both ready for a cuppa by this point so enjoyed toasted teacakes at the Craft Cafe and had a chat with Maureen from Parkrun who was sitting knitting with two friends, a very cute child's cardy decorated with sheep.  Also from Parkrun, Grandad's little helper O was in with his mum and new baby.  

After lunch Angela and I took a walk around the estate.

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