A day of accidents

A 4 am start this morning.  So I got loads done before I left for work. 

A good shift at work but on the way home I had a accident on my bike. I tried to stop myself falling onto my bad shoulder but ended up jerking quite badly and bruising my shin amd bruising somewhere that shouldn't get bruised. I had to hobble home and then ask nana if she could drive me to get the two wildlings from nursery.  

I had promised the wildlings this morning I would take them to dalscone so still ended up going,  I didn't realise how sore I was until I was there. 

The equipment in the photo is something that kids swing on at dalscone and it snapped off while Xander was on it and he fell and bumped the back of his head quite badly.  He was so upset and distressed and we left because he was feeling tired. I'm not sure if he has a mini concussion.  

So we're both sore and everyone is knackered.  So it's a easy dinner. Half are having cereal and half noodles and toast. I'm too sore too cook. It will be a early night for them all and hopefully myself.  I've told Mr R ill be having dinner before he gets home. Last night was beyond late and I just want to lie down. 

Apologies of I don't get round to you all. X 

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