Peterborough Cathedral

This picture does not show any of the beautiful architecture or art works in or around the cathedral. It is just one that grabbed my attention as I was looking at all the days shots.
I did not make a note of whose tomb this is or why it is (annoyingly) roped off.
The cathedral was interesting, its front aspect was very unusual with three open "bays", I am sure there is a proper term for this style but I don't know it. The main impression I got was it was very tall and quite narrow, again probably a known architectural style.
Inside is the tomb of Katherine of Aragon, Henry VIII's first wife. There is a tradition of leaving pomegranate's on her tomb as they featured on her coat of arms. I did not read about this until later, it had seemed strange to see odd bits of fruit lying on the cathedral floor. 
I have seen similar ideas on other tombs; Oscar Wilde's grave, lipstick kisses and small notes wrapped around a pebble and on Serge Gainsbourg's there were metro tickets, whisky bottles and Gauloises cigarette packets (both empty) and, although I have not seen them, cabbages.  I have read that people leave pens on their favorite authors graves and cans of soup regularly appear on Andy Warhol's grave.
Obviously you have to be careful what the public associate with you.

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