LA9 to CA95010 and back..

By LA9toCA95010

You're going to do WHAT...?

So, R had the sleepover with her friends that she'd been angling for since the moment we moved house.

It was after another friend's birthday party, which was a bonfire on the beach. Another Californian classic.

They arrived already hopped up on sugar, and trailed sand through the showers on the way to the sofa to watch tv. R had told me earlier in the day, while we were in the supermarket, that they were each bringing two packets of Oreos. (TWO packets. Each.) She informed me that you take the cream out of all of them and construct a massively-filled Oreo. "Then what?" I asked. "Well, you eat it. And then you eat all the other Oreos you took off." "No way." "Way."

This is it. The Oreo creation.

They didn't eat it all. Not even close.

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