Place: Largo, FL > St Pete Beach FL 52/68
Main activity: Wed - Pass-A-Grille dog sitting w/ Zoe
Notes: Was up for hours overnight as the fridge has started freezing everything no matter how much I adjusted to less cold. Got up 1a-ish and the glass of water I'd put in was frozen solid - so more frantic moving out and trying to save stuff ... as well as throwing quite a bit of fresh stuff out that was ruined. Left ~ 720a for Vina, gray spitting morning and rained pretty good after I arrived and got unloaded. Guys working on the pool out back until ~230p. So tired but couldn't rest until noon after a hot shower. Slept/dozed not quite an hour. Made some food and then Zoe and I took the golf cart down Pass-A-Grille along the beach and then took her out on the dog beach. Cool and breezy but turned into a nice day. Restful evening, another walk around 5p. Chatted w/ Jo on Zoom at 630a for quite awhile. To bed early.

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