Place: St Pete Beach FL 66/70
Main activity: Thurs - errands, Zoe
Notes: Up 440a for a bit and Zoe all perky and ready to play! She went right back to bed and was peaceful tho and we both slept until about 745a. Was heading to TJs and asked Bette if she wanted anything - BIG mistake. She again fully oversteps and manipulates (after texting me she needed help yest before I even arrived! - I didn't do that one, had to take care of myself) - I ended up taking her car, stopped at Publix on Gulf, Pasadena Walmart for her Cokes x3. Long way to 275 then and quite awhile at TJs while she kept texting and adding stuff. Was hard to focus on the things I wanted and forgot the celery. STILL, had to fill her car w/ gas on the way back - need to fill mine too but didn't feel like going out again when I got back (and heavy traffic). Finally had coffee at 11a. Took Zoe to the dog beach again on the golf cart - she was much braver today with the waves coming in! Quiet lovely rest of the day.

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