Chamfer Diffractions

Well the decorator has finished the hall, stairs and landing! As part of the project we had new spindles fitted on the stairs and along the landing itself. This was apparently a cheaper option than rubbing all the old ones down as we wanted them painted white instead of the previous dark wood stain. It also meant we could have a different design, with a chamfer. The joiner also chamferred the retained posts to match. We're really pleased as it looks like a brand new staircase now.

I noticed the other day though that when the decorator used his strong lamp to give him more light it made interesting diffraction like shadows shining through the landing spindles. Just in time for Abstract Thursday.

In other news I have an appointment this afternoon with a specialist dentist to discuss my toothache. As I expected this is going to be expensive. The consultation alone is £95.

And in more other news, after a couple of weeks vacillating, I have agreed to take over as programme secretary at camera club. Am I mad?

One year ago:
Little And Large
A shadow theme last year too, though for Wide Wednesday.

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