High Water Everywhere

A combination of run off from the fells of melting snow, and the persistent rain of the last couple of days meant that the river was in full spate as I headed into town this morning, on my way to the gym.
Looking out of the gym window I could see that the water was already over the bank on our side of the river and it seemed to be rising up the slope towards the gym. Not that we were in any danger of being inundated - the water would spill over the opposite bank and across the fields, long before it rose high enough up the bank to threaten the paths on our side of the river.
But I couldn’t resist stopping on the way home to try and capture a little of the power of the rushing water as it flowed under Nether Bridge. I have previously posted a blip taken from the same spot in the height of summer, where the water was barely moving and you could have walked across the river without getting your feet wet. But not today - you can’t really get an impression of how fast the water was flowing from the photo, but you can see how high up the bridge supports it came.
Not that the water was confined solely to the river. In the short time I was out in the open taking a photo, I got totally saturated from the persistent rain.
Still, plenty of time to dry out this afternoon before heading down to Lancaster this evening for the first of this week’s performances of Blackadder. It always feels a bit weird coming back to a show after a few days off, but there is extra pressure tonight as Mrs C will be in the audience. Maybe wouldn’t hurt to just have a quick flick through the script before stepping out on to the stage tonight…

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