I found the Woodland Walk at Wynyard Hall today which was lovely, but it was too grey and damp for most photos. I'll go back soon when the sun is shining and by then I hope the thousands of daffs will be out too. I kept coming across what are obviously pet graves from various eras, though this is the most impressive one. I googled "pet graves Wynyard Hall" and found a site (which Google says is insecure so I haven't linked it) where there's a photo of this little tomb with a weathered statue of a greyhound or whippet on the top, now obviously gone. I've boosted the contrast, but what the inscription says (I think) is:

Tadeus (?) was small in stature, but we find
His little body held a mighty mind
And tiny caskets oft enclose a gem
Of lustre meet for sultans diadem,
Then stranger, thou that visitest the spot
Where Tiny's ashes slumber, scorn it not,
But if the virtues that lie buried here
Love, Truth, Fidelity, to thee are dear
Give all fond memory asks....... (?)

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