... hir fyw'r goeden

... hir fyw'r goeden ~ ... long live the tree

“There is a meaning of trees, a meaning to the hugely interconnected living world that cares little for human meaning. If we don’t understand & accommodate that meaning, ours will come to very little. Awe & wonder are the first tools in turning to that meaning.”
― Richard Powers

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Dyma un o'r helyg oedd sefyll (a chwympo) ger y nant yn Yr Eglwys Newydd.  Ers iddo fe ddod i lawr mae e wedi dechrau tyfu blaguro newydd.  Mae'n gwrthsefyll. Mae yna wers i ni gyd ...

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This is one of the willows that stood (and fell) near the stream in Whitchurch. Since it came down it has started to grow new shoots. It's resilient. There's a lesson for us all ...

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Helyg wedi'i chwympo, yn tyfu blaguro newydd.
Description (English): A fallen willow, growing new shoots.

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