Siop Feiciau

Siop Feiciau ~ Bicycle Shop

“I had an interview this morning at the BBC, and I was a bit early. I walked around the block and there’s a bicycle shop there. And I just started looking at these bicycles, and then I thought, What am I doing? I already have a bicycle. But I like bicycles … They’re beautiful bicycles … And I’m just standing there, edging around this window, just the way I would in a guitar shop … it’s because I like them. I’ve always liked bicycles, and I’ll probably go on liking bicycles.”
― Mark Knopfler, (Mark Knopfler, ex of Dire Straits,, March 2015)

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Roedden ni’n arfer mynd i siop Feiciau ‘Chris Harris’ pan roedd hi’n yng nghanol y dre, a siop ei mab Damian Harris hefyd.  Roedden ni’n lwcus roedd e’n dewis Yr Eglwys Newydd ar gyfer ei siop pan symudodd e oddi wrth y dre. Nawr rydyn ni’n cael siop feiciau da iawn yn agos at ein tŷ ni ac rydyn ni’n hapus iawn. 

Roedd ein beiciau yn barod i’w gasglu a wnaethon ni cymryd tacsi i’r pentref - roedd hi’n bwrw glaw ac roedd hi’n agos ar amser cau’r siop. Roedd hi’n dda iawn i gael y beiciau yn ôl eto. Maen nhw’n ein prif ddull cludiant.

(Efallai y byddwch yn sylwi bod siopau yn Gymraeg yn defnyddio'r lluosog. Does dim siop 'feic', mae'n siop 'feiciau'.  Rydw i'n ei gofio oherwydd unwaith dwedodd ein tiwtor bod y siopau beiciau yn gwerthu mwy nag un beic, felly siop feiciau yw e.)

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We used to go to 'Chris Harris' Bike shop when it was in the town centre, and his son Damian Harris' shop too. We were lucky he chose Whitchurch for his shop when he moved away from the town. Now we have a very good bike shop close to our house and we are very happy. Our bikes were ready to be collected and we took a taxi to the village - it was raining and it was close to closing time. It was very good to have the bikes back again. They are our main form of transport. 

(You may notice that shops in Welsh use the plural. There is no 'bike' shop, it's a 'bikes' shop. I remember it because our tutor once said that the bike shops sell more than one bike, so it's a bikes shop.)

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Siop feiciau yn Yr Eglwys Newydd
Description (English): A bike shop in Whitchurch

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