The Old Man of Calke

For several years I’ve intended to do the walk in the park of Calke Abbey which leads to the thousand year old oak tree, known as The Old Man of Calke.

It didn’t look likely to rain as I arrived, so I decided just to set off and see how I went on.

The path into the depths of the woodland was special in itself - lots to see. I wondered if I’d find the Old Man, and if I’d recognise it when I arrived. 

I was reassured, and given helpful directions. I was told that there’s a fence round it. I couldn’t miss it. As I wandered along, the only fences seemed to be protecting newly planted saplings. 

I continued. Helpful walkers pointed me in the right direction. (It was the Pink Trail if anyone fancies an adventure.)

When I arrived, The Old Man was unmistakeable. Stunning. Well worth the wander. I will certainly return but today was special.

Hardly anyone else around.
Stunning blue skies and fluffy clouds - before the rain came.

If you’re a National Trust member, this is a treasure not to miss. 

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