Place: St Pete Beach FL 68/81 > Largo, FL
Main activity: Fri - Zoe
Notes: Woke early but still dark so went back to bed until it got light and then went for a run on the beach - fantastic! Morning around the house and washed the sheets. Pool guys showed up today - Zoe and I headed to dog beach around noon and then parked over on Gulf side and walked thru the little art fair at the Grill. She seemed to be very tired then so headed back and did the full loop around Vina on the golf cart - such a nice day but quite breezy. More cleaning up, packing and organizing in the afternoon. Pool guys cutting pavers so loud and extremely dusty. Shower around 4p and final packing up. Feed Zoe 5p and walk. Fridge part to be replaced in the evening. Didn't hear from anyone but neighbors called when they saw someone going in and tried to question them. I waited until 630p to leave Zoe and drove back up the beach, got stopped at the Johns Pass drawbridge (first time ever) just as it closed. Did a stop at Sprouts then on Alt 19 - have gone by it several times but never gone in, have been trying to find a good Kefir option since TJs doesn't have the goat kefir right now. Arrived back 730p, fridge had cut off wire laying inside, everything was wet and seemed to be running so technician had been here. Took a bit getting unloaded and unpacked what I needed to then took another rinse-off shower, had an NA beer and watched a show and then went to bed. Just wanted to cry being back here ...

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