Maid in Cornwall

By curlycarrie


I just love these fuzzy little beauties at this time of year, this one was snaffled from the hedgerow on the walk home from school for blip purposes as I am housebound today and lacking in blipopportunities.
My car is in hospital. At the weekend it started screaming like a banshee so I took it to the garage yesterday. I suggested calpol (all parents know that calpol cures everything), the mechanic looked at me is if I was a wierdo (imagine that!). As the car is still there though, and he still hasn't a clue what's wrong with it I think he shouldn't have been so quick to dismiss my suggestion.
I hope it's sorted soon, I find car related stresses overwhelming. They give me butterflies and a headache.

Thanks so much for the thoughtful words on yesterday's blip, so many comments that deserve a proper reply, with proper words. But as words are something that don't always come easily to me it may take a while.
I feel so much better today, it's just the way it goes. Up for ages and then suddenly crashing down. Having a thought purge here on blip is my way of coping and it helps. I find it much easier pouring my heart out to a computer screen than I do to real life friends and family. I can't do it to them, I almost feel guilty that I put them through all that in the first place, and I feel by talking to them about how I really feel now will cause them more sadness. Maybe that's not a particularly healthy way of dealing with things, but it's my way of dealing with things.

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