Maid in Cornwall

By curlycarrie

Let me explain...

...why I am blipping fornicating trolls.
Bella's trolls have been in my camera bag for a couple of weeks (they are a necessary bit of photographic kit), I found them as I was hoovering out my camera bag yesterday (sand, it gets everywhere) and thought I should give them back. Bella left them on the window sill, and this is how I discovered them when I opened the curtains this morning. I swear I didn't set this up, their small feet and big heads mean they spend a lot of time falling over. They gave me a giggle at 6.30 am, and that doesn't happen very often so they had to be my blip for today!
In other news, I have my car back!! Yay!! I picked it up from the garage in the afternoon. The mechanic had tightened a something and cleaned some something elses, I took it for a test drive and it was silent. I paid up, drove into PZ to get some petrol and on the way back she started screaming again. I went home and had a nervous breakdown, phoned around a few garages but no-one could fit her in for a few days ( I didn't want to take her back to the same bloke as he had had her for a day and a half and still not worked out what the problem was). I tried one last garage and was told to 'bring her straight up my ansum and we'll see wosson'. So I took her up, they drove her around a bit and identified where the screaming was coming from, they put her on the high up thing, removed her front wheels and found the problem. I had a service and MOT at Kwikfit in March, loads of work, including new brake pads. The problem was, the dumbasses at Kwikfit had forgotten to remove the plastic covering that's used to protect the brake pads when they're being shipped around. This had snapped on one side and had been grinding against the brake discs causing the screaming. So the nice men removed all the bits that should have been removed before they were even put on the car and Bluebell was better again. So, a day and half in one garage and the problem still wasn't solved, half an hour in another for the problem to be identified and fixed. I know mechanics charge about £1000 per hour labour but I still couldn't believe how much they charged me to fix this. Nothing. They wouldn't let me pay them a single penny. A very nice and completely unexpected suprise!

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