
By lesmark

Cerro Castillo Lagoon

It is green, shimmering in the midday sun and mesmerising. The hike up the mountain to the peak left us with wobbly legs! It really was strenuous, straight up, just 6 Kms, but it took us over 4 hours to get there from the trailhead. But this was the reward! A pre-historic sight of silence and utter beauty. 

In the extras are: 
views of the scenery along the trail,  looking down across the valley and mountains beyond,
looking upwards to the the Cerro Castillo with waterfalls streaming down into the forest below,
a detail of the peak, with jagged needles and shapes with glacial ice.

This is definitely a highlight of Patagonia, a must-do wonderful hike and climb, on a par with the Torres del Paine and less touristy. Needless to say, we are feeling the effects in our ageing limbs of the stiff work-out but it was exhilarating.

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