Being 15

After we got back from the Volcano walk yesterday we had a short rest and a shower before we heard about the history of Nicaragua as we walked round the centre. We ate a nice meal at a restaurant by the cathedral- fish a stir fry veg and a margarita which was mainly lemon/lime then it was a short walk back to the simple hotel and we were asleep by 10 after 6 miles walking.

This morning was a relaxed start and we were on the bus by 8 heading for the capital, Manuaga, about 45 miles away. We picked up a local guide and went to some places where we had to stay in a group. The area is heavily policed, not for crime - for surveillance. The guide could answer questions on the bus but not outside - there was no knowing where there were hidden cameras or sound recorders. Basically Nicaraguans fought for years against the right wing dictatorship and now the socialist revolution has gone bad and Ortega and his wife own everything and they can’t get rid of them. Nobody bothers to vote as any opposition is disappeared.

At one of the public places I photographed a 15 year old in her Barbie dress - the families spend around $4000 on the celebrations.

We then drove on to Masaya NP to see an active volcano. We couldn’t really see much because the breeze was blowing the steam our way but we are going again tomorrow night when we’ll hopefully see the lava. We carried on to the town for lunch and the market which was very quiet. I spent $2 on a fridge magnet. There were leather goods and niknaks for sale.

Next stop was Grenada where we had another city walking tour, after which Nick
Entertained 4 of us with G&T on the terrace.

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