
D's little car has been sitting on the drive since it refused to start on Wednesday morning and I had to take him to college and fetch him back in the evening. We keep meaning to jump start it but he hasn't needed to go anywhere so we put it off until today. After breakfast we went out with the cables and got it going and I drove around for a bit to charge the battery. I hope it starts tomorrow's due for a service next month and maybe needs a new battery. It's 14 years old so has done well so far.

I had a wee walk with Jess, collecting broom for a new type of basketry I'm planning to try out soon - it's the same technique that is used for pine needle baskets in the US. I watched a couple of lovely Youtube tutorials yesterday by a man called Paco in Washington State. It's amazing how useful the internet can be when you want to learn something new. This afternoon I pruned most of the dogwood in the garden and kept the long stems to practise on. I'll dry most of them out for future projects.

I noticed that the apricot blossom was out - such a pretty colour and scent. Hopefully we will get a few apricots in July :-)

It's my Mum's birthday today so I have just phoned her up. She was in the middle of a game of cat dominoes with my dad, sister and nieces.

Almost time for tea :-)

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