
Ive been outside for nearly the whole day today, and I'll be bivvying out tonight in the woods as well :-) It has been a gloriously sunny day, with a hint of warmth in the air, though a little gusty. I heard my first chiffchaff of the year, so Spring really is almost here! Tomorrow is the Equinox and the time between Spring Equinox and Summer Solstice is possibly my favourite - 3 months of lengthening days...

I took Joe home this morning and then headed down to New Abbey for a walk, which took me past this millpond and up onto Knockendoch. I was so pleased to see that this pond has been cleared - during 2020-1 it became gradually choked with weed and then reeds so that there was hardly any clear water left for the ducks who used to swim in it. I didn't see any ducks today but hopefully they'll be back.

Sarah took part in a race today with her running club in the hills near Moffat and was the fastest woman (3rd fastest overall) so all this training must be paying off. Well done Sarah!

This afternoon we did some gardening - I planted cabbage and sweet peas and we did some cutting back of beech hedge and dogwoods. Then I made some tea with the Kelly Kettle and drank it on the bench, listening to the birds.

Another fine day beckons tomorrow...

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