Breakfast at Busta

A lovely calm day, mostly cloudy with sunny spells.  There was a light shower after lunch.  A calm evening. 

Up early for breakfast at the hotel.  A walk around the gardens and down to the pier before we set off.  Me, mam and Laura met friend Julie for walkies in the afternoon.  I've been working in the shop this evening, and a fairly quiet shift.  Off to bed early. 

A great night was had with good company, up early and put our cards and flowers on the breakfast table to surprise the mam's.  A good start to Mothering Sunday, and a good day to enjoy time with mam.  Also a day to celebrate other mam's and remember those no longer with us.  Peerie Brian and Madeline, then me and mam.  A great way to remain golden child in the family.  Taken at Busta House Hotel, Delting.  

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