Step Into The Light - finally connected!!

831 blip entries with nothing more than a GPRS dongle. 3G doesn't cover my area and I've always believed (thanks to bad BT customer relations) that I couldn't get the broadband at my house. I've toiled for nigh on EIGHT years with no real connection to speak of at home, intermittent at best and non existent at worst.

Today..... today all that changed. An engineer stopped by, fitted me some little white box and wiring and bingo - Gary is now connected.

I appreciate my joy at this event may seem strange to those who have seen my journal for the last 100 entries or so, but going all the way back it has been a constant source of despair. I've never been able to view peoples blips without waiting fifteen minutes for a single picture to load, and for most of my shots I've adjusted the size to just 1000 x 1000 or something. Now I can upload proper photos in realistic times, and I can view all your stuff too.

In other news I cut my front lawn yesterday and got grass all over a car parked (too) close to my house. Unbeknown to me they'd spent all Sunday washing, polishing and valetting it, only for me to spray it in grass. I feel quite remorseful, but they were parked in such a way that the passenger can't exit the car without stepping onto my property..... (my internet ready property) so maybe it's justified.

Tonight I noticed their car parked around the corner from the house. I think that's a bit extreme, I'm hardly going to cut my lawn again am I?

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