Plus ça change...

By SooB

Autumn colours

I didn't know we had irises this colour. There are also some burgundy ones that were a suprise inclusion in a job lot dug out of her garden by TallGirl's old French tutor. They didn't flower last year - I think I planted them too late for that - but this year have put on a fine show. I'm not sure the colours go though (the rest are the more common pale lilac) so I am tying coloured thread around these ones so I can think about whether to move them somewhere else.

All of which is to say that not much happened today. Long chat with my mam which helped resolve a quandry I've been mulling over. Of course she cut through it all in about five seconds. The kids were off school so we headed into Castres to pick up all the things CarbBoy forgot yesterday, then on to a hard-to-find vide grenier which I worried was just a few stalls in a farmyard but turned out to be hundreds of stalls all over a farm (the white linen trousers and flipflops turned out to be a mistake given all the mud...) Home then for lunch and mooching about. Having dressed up nice neither Mr B nor I wanted to get changed and do any work, but we both eventually succumbed - him to screw down some flooring and me to hack up some turf/weeds under where the second tomato raised bed will be.

I think watching this weeks' Doctor Who has fried my brain a bit. What WAS going on?

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