River of Flowers

By doffy

Thursday: Wild Garden

This is the garden which runs along the back of the garage, the back of the house and across to greenhouse, the sheds and “the Far Corner”. 
Lots of plants are starting to grow and flower, some clearing of dead stems done yesterday and a few plans of planting more flowers and vegetables here … when the weather warms up, maybe after Easter!
We had lots of heavy rain overnight and it was showery this morning but i decided to put washing out to dry … and it did, even though I had to untangle it a few times :-)
I did some family history this morning, using The Book 


and it would seem that the family I was looking at had 2 grown up sons named “Richard” … complicated modifications now required, when my head has recovered from this revelation!!
Tonight we are watching “Taboo” which has some interesting story lines and characters but also a lot of weirdness … not for those with a nervous disposition :-((
Nos da pawb / goodnight all xx

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