River of Flowers

By doffy

Wednesday: Primula vulgaris …

… wild primrose, which are sheltered under a Box hedge and have started flowering :-)
After having a long chat with my daughter I had a mini tidy up in the garden behind the garage: pulled up a large perennial kale which was taller than me! - it had flopped over and taking up a lot of space, saved lots of little side shoots which I’ll pot up as cuttings and young leaves will be chopped up and frozen to be added to soup and curry.
Teasels, evening primrose and Inula have been cleaned of seeds by the goldfinch, the dead stems are now in the garden waste bin for recycling.
By 12:30 the little spots of rain, which had been no problem at all suddenly became torrential - I refilled the bird feeders and went back indoors :-((
Rain continued most of the afternoon and this evening, it’s also very windy.
MrD finished his deliveries by 4pm.
This evening we watched latest episode of “Alaska Daily” - just love all the characters and the way they look after each other :-))
Nos da pawb / goodnight all xx

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