Loong day. The chimney sweep announced he would come by eight in the morning. I'm usually not out of bed by eight so I set the alarm for seven thirty, I never use the alarm normally but chimney sweeps can be quite peculiar. It was raining and I felt sorry for him being on the roof. He might have heard me because he didn't show up at all, no notice on a new appointment either. They can be a bit peculiar.
We're rehearsing music tomorrow so I spent the morning looking at arrangements and practiced a little on the pieces we're rehearsing. Found a couple of mistakes in my arrangements that I had to fix for tomorrow, one thing leads to another and one small change often lead to major changes. It took longer than intended -as usual.
The sun came out in between showers, what we call "April-weather", and I noticed the pigeon couple are re-using their nest from last year. I think it's the same couple but they might have forgotten they were robbed of their eggs last year and had their nest demolished by crows. Pigeons never give up and build lousy nests. A friend of mine who knows about birds said about the pigeon that it's a miracle it survived through evolution at all.
In the evening, blipper Harling darling wrote to say there were reports on Northern lights in my area. There actually was and I saw a very faint green curtain-spectacle of the lights. It's rather unusual as far south as I am and it felt rather special to see them. I also tried yet again to get a picture of the very beautiful new moon with Jupiter just above. Never seem to learn. The iPhone is quite useless at night-photos, it enhances any light source and can't focus on the moon. See extra as proof.
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