
By stujphoto

Feather Afloat

Today the weather was really nice with sunny periods and a light breeze. Everybody chose to go to Manesty Woods on the south west bank of Derwent Water but once we had walked down to the waters edge quickly the group dispersed into ones and twos and I spent most of the day on my own with occasional sightings of other photographers. There were how ever quite a number of walkers around so you never felt entirely isolated. Subject matter ranged between ferns, bog myrtle, blossom, some funghi, dead trees and seed heads and the occasional beastie though I did not see to many of these as I still need to build up my experience of spotting and identifying insects.

However, I have chosen as my blip today a feather floating on the edge of the lake with a lot of bubbles of surface tension around the underwater plants.

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