Folkie Booknerd

By Folkiebooknerd

Good News

M’s pathology results are finally ‘in’. And I’m delighted to say that things are looking as good as they possibly can do. The tumour was successfully removed with clear margins and no need for follow-up surgery, and there is no sign of any spread to her lymph nodes, so it’s unlikely that the cancer has spread elsewhere in her body. 

However, to reduce the likelihood of any recurrence she’s still going to need radiotherapy followed by a further course of treatment over the next 12 months. We’ve been told this will be much less hardcore/debilitating than the treatment she’s had this year - and I hope to goodness that’s correct. These last 9 months have been TOUGH. Oh, and she’ll also need daily medication for the next 10 years. But that’s a doddle compared to what she’s endured so far.

It’s all still sinking in… There’s more to get through but it’s SUCH a relief to have reached this point! 

Well done, M. 

The song that M started singing after her appointment was ‘It’s a Miracle’ by Culture Club. So, that’s got to be today’s tune

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