Saturday: Hot Summer Store

San Ignacio is the second largest town in Belize, after Belize City.  Despite being the capital. Belmopan is only the sixth largest town.  Anyway, we headed down to San Ignacio today as we’ve been wanting to explore it for some time.  It’s not huge, but it’s quite funky and eclectic.  This is a street corner shot in San Ignacio,

As we were walking through town, we heard a loud voice behind us, shouting: ‘Hey, Family!’.  We turned round, expecting to see someone we knew but, instead, saw a couple of unknown ladies in a car.  They looked like a couple and had obviously clocked us as the same.  They were here on holiday from Washington State in the US and got married on the beach here a few days ago.  After their initial shout out, they said ‘You are family, aren’t you?’.  We had a lovely chat after that.  

I shouldn’t really be surprised that they clocked us.  I’ve always thought of myself as an individual until I went to a k.d.lang concert and I realized I looked like everyone one else in Hammersmith Odeon.

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