Mile Wide Smile

An ‘away day’ for Sam and I, we headed off to Plymouth to watch some rugby. Early train, earphones in we dozed and listened to music until Plymouth. We walked down to the top of Union Street for a ‘Spoons’ breakfast but unlike some of the other diners we went without the accompanying beer.
Bus from right outside to Brickfields Stadium, home of Plymouth Albion and the site former military pitches. We had time to settle into our seats with a beer before the Navy Women kicked off against the RAF Women at 1200, fairly even until the Navy ,ran out of steam, the RAF won 10-17.
My turn to get the beers and I discovered the 2.25 pint glasses hence Sam’s beaming smile.
Next up Navy Men v RAF Men, how the Navy finished the match 17-17 I’m not sure, at one point they looked like they were going to run away with it. So with the RN Mariners beating the RAF Vultures in the Veteran match last night that gives both services a W1-D1-L1 record but I cannot see either the RN or RAF causing the Army much trouble.
Bus and a walk to Sarah & Manolo’s home where we were very kindly fed both solids and liquids before Grandson Luis dropped us at the rail station.
Train home with an alcohol induced sleep before finding myself in Falmouth Rugby Club for a last couple before home.

Great Dad & Daughter Day, Sam is such good company, funny, witty and great to be around.

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