The barricade!
Further to yesterday's blip of my naughty pup and her Houdini tendencies I give you 'The Barricade'!
I've put an old piece of 5' high fencing against the wall where she was jumping up to get out (from on top of the rockery) and on the other part where it still looked low enough for a determined pooch to jump up on, I've put chunks of the Horse Chestnut tree that had yet to be cut onto burnable sizes. These weighed at least 10kg each and I feel like I've had a major gym session!! I think I'll enter the next Highland Games - I could surely manage to 'toss the caber' (is that how you spell it?!)
She has not escaped today - hah!! :-)
Update: Yes, you guessed it - she got out half an hour ago. I went one way and my daughter went the other. I got all the way down the bridleway before she rang to say she'd found her by the chicken coup next door. She's become a monster! I called her for ages next door so she must've heard me. She's usually good about coming to me when we're out so maybe the wind was taking my voice away..
I need to see her get out so I can do something about it. I can't see the front of the house from our main living rooms. She's going to have to be chaperoned when in the garden!
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