Labrador gets lost in long grass!
The grass has grown a foot in the last two weeks and is getting really hard to walk through. This is the footpath to the next village and it doesn't get much use! I think just me and my two Labs! Everyone else (still not many) walk down the bridleway through the woodland but it gets very boggy. I sometimes come back up that way - it's uphill and I feel less likely to slip that way!
Millie (10 yr old lab) didn't want to follow me into the long grass, she was really wary of it! I had to keep calling her and eventually she ran to me - ears flapping as she bounced up and down trying to jump over rather than through it! I tried to get a photo of her bouncing but they were all blurred or disappearing out of shot so I took a pic of Tia instead while she waited for us to catch up! I liked the clouds and sunshine behind her.
She hasn't escaped so far today. I've increased the pile of logs on top of the wall but she hasn't gone out of my sight so I'm not sure if she can still get out or not... :-)
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