I love cooking with fresh herbs
Lamb, garlic, rosemary ..... Easter won't be long. Mum does'nt like lamb cooked this way, she's a roast lamb & mint sauce kinda gal so that's Sunday lunch sorted. My mint plants have'nt been doing very well so I've planted them in the ground up on the plot. The rosemary has been flowering all through the winter, plenty for cooking etc.
I noticed the top of hubby's arm was black, on closer inspection, very swollen, & hard to touch this morning. Have you knocked your arm? No. Okay, think we had better get you an appointment to see a doctor we don't want any problem over the weekend. I shot up the doctors surgery for 8.30am opening. Hubby got a telephone call then appointment for 11am. I walked Indie a little earlier only getting a little damp so that was a result. Back to Chudleigh, hubby dropped at surgery. "Possible rupture of proximal bicep tendon". Telephone number for Physio at Torbay hospital, plus appointment for ultrasound scan. He rang Torbay. Physio calls taken 8am -12.00, Mon - Fri so that will be Monday now.
One of my 2 books ordered at the beginning of the week arrived, the third book in the trilogy. I've already read the second book as I got it from the book exchange library in CK village hall without knowing about the other 2 books. Will read the complete set again before lending them to a friend whose relations are mentioned in the book.
Jan helped me with a couple of problems on my laptop yesterday so today I've been able to upload an image from my camera for todays blip. I've missed not carrying my camera, hopefully get my mojo back. Now just need to find a free website for editting. Nothing technical as I don't have/want to spend too much time on here.
Time to prepare dinner - Chicken & squash mussaman traybake tonight with a generous scattering of freshly chopped coriander leaf, another favourite herb of mine.
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