Day 139: May Holidays Day 1

Today marks the beginning of my weeks holiday with McCombers.

We began our day by watching last nights Doctor Who, which was bloody brilliant!

We then headed to town to watch Star Trek at the cinema. First viewing for McCombers, second for me. It's still fantastic on the second viewing.
After the cinema we headed over to Cosmo for dinner where we both ate far too much, drank a bottle of wine, and then headed home. While waiting for the bus I spotted this robot clock in a shop window. I thought it was kinda cool, apart from the colour, but then McCombers pointed out that it matched the colour of my underwear exactly. If the shop was open i would have bought it there and then for that exact reason.

Upon returning home, McCombers and I watched the first two episode of Doctor Who that starred David Tennant. It was by far the geekiest day McCombers has ever had. And I didn't have to force her to do any of it. In fact the majority of the days viewings were HER idea. Her training is coming along nicely.

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