Daffs on display...

Rain was forecast for today... we are still waiting lol!!

And it's turned out to be a much busier Saturday than normal.  My brother phoned last night to say they were coming over on Sunday, so we had a quick trip to a supermarket this morning to grab a few necessities!! 

And then this afternoon it is the local horticultural society Spring show, so mum and I had a little wander down to admire the flowers, cakes and crafts on display and I was very restrained and didn't plunder the plant stall for newbies to bring home!!  It seems to have been a good year for Daffs as lots were on show in all the various classes! I need to get organised and enter some plants myself one of these days! I used to a few years back!

Have sown a few more seeds today in the garden and moved some primulas around so the jobs are getting done slowly but surely

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