My Restless Lens

By terri365

Earl's Hill

Geriatric Boy hasn't been great on his back legs the last few days so I took him up to the path for Earl's Hill this afternoon as I knew it was relatively flat and it seems to make a big difference.  He managed 1.8 miles without too much bother today. 

I liked the difference in the trees at the fire break but only had my phone so it's not a great shot!  Looked better in real life!

I have him booked in with the vet on Wednesday to discuss pain relief as I don't think the injection has had any effect on him.  The injection was for ortho pain but given that he is on Gabapentin, I think it may be neuro pain he is suffering from.

Or maybe he is just bored with walking in our woods...

I'm suffering too - from a late night which may or may not have involved wine drinking...  Not a hangover, just incredibly tired as I didn't get to bed until after 2am!  I was only over at a friend's house!

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