Pink Beauties

We had yet another day of leisure. And it flew away without our notice. I spent some time admiring our spring flowers before they are spent. These tulips are now in full bloom and opened wide with the sun. I did one load of laundry, refined and typed our menu for the next WV trip, completed a few household jobs, packed for my visit with Trek and Shadow next week and that was it. Hubby worked at his computer, assembled his tent camping gear for his late April boys’ trip to NC, packed for WV, and cleaned our wood fireplace for the end of season. One of my friends spent a few days in the hospital this week. She was finally feeling well enough to chat, so I guess a few hours were spent listening and consoling her. Good health is such a blessing. We’ll go to 5:00 pm Mass and have the rest of the evening to cuddle with kitties. Sure hope your day was as peaceful. Thanks for dropping by. “So, in the tulip, we have a flower of beauty and grace of charm, refinement and distinction. It is a powerful flower and it knows it.” — Tadashi Shoji

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