
By brambleblossom

Shed Day .

The promised rain didn’t show up and apart from a few moments of drizzle we had fine weather. 
I called at Jessicas to pick up some washing as they have all been laid low by another virus. 
While I was out the shed flat pack arrived and we or rather Dave spent most of the day assembling it . I gave occasional assistance as required.

While Dave was shed building I returned the final bits of Christmas to their respective boxes which has left Nat’s bed clear of the Christmas debris. He is thinking of coming over during the E aster break. His room was the attic room and on either side are loft spaces which are rammed full of stuff. Alongside the Christmas things are all the pieces of equipment required for decorating , holiday snaps, precious things that once belonged to the children and so on and on and on……

We had an early tea and then a pleasant walk up our nearby hill to the Wainwright stone from which we watched the going down of the sun, it was a striking sunset which lit up the distant town /city of Preston before settling once again behind the clouds. We could see the lakes to the north, Pendle to the east and Snowdonia to the south. Its not often clear enough to see that distance in all directions.

We also had catch-up call with Paul the welder who is putting our Ruby the MH back together ,it doesn’t sound like she will be ready any time soon .

Grateful that we live so near to splendid countryside and viewing points,
Grateful that D has the skill to turn a flat pack into a shed and also for the very pleasant Jam shed wine that I have right at my side as I write. 

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