Chewy - no fooling
This is a closely cropped photo of how silly a chicken can look when it's top feathers get wet. Chewy is silly anyway but she sure made me laugh today. It's a little hard to see because her feathers blend in with the grass behind her.
It's been rainy as expected and we are up to about .6 inches. I think we will get some more tonight. I walked down to the dam to see how full things are and it is flowing high and fast. As I walked up the hill back home I looked up and our male duck, Sluggo, was standing in the middle of the road! They have discovered we took the fence down at the back of the house and have come around 2 times apparently today. But they have never ventured out onto the road. A car had just passed me heading right towards him but they swerved and missed him. I was just clenched waiting for him to get hit. I chased them back and got them where they were supposed to be. I guess the fence goes back up tomorrow.
On a lighter note I looked in the nest box today and saw 4 eggs. One was a small green egg! Scruffy, my last old girl hasn't laid in months and months but today she did. It was very sweet to find it, especially since Goldie is no longer with us.
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