This is just two of the many (somewhere beteween 50 and 100) that passed our gate in a long stream around lunchtime today. Presumably an organised run - we've not been here long enough, or been into the nearest town (New Ross) enough to know about things like this. We were just sitting relaxing after eating some lunch when they started driving past.
The day started very bright, with blue sky all atound. It clouded over later, but we took advantage of a dry day to have a long, and quite heavy day, sorting out the garage. It's still overfull - we want to get a garden shed for all the gardening equipment, but at least we know what's in all the boxes, and more of the stuff is up off the floor onto the shelves left by the previous owner.
The clouds have partially cleared again now, and there's a gentle red sky in the west.
In extras a photo sent from Sweden yesterday. Casper (and his parents) have had a tough time over the last couple of weeks with tummy problems due to cow's milk protein allergy, but he was much happier yesterday.
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