The work - and the reward

We visited the coal yard to load up with ‘proper’ coal before it is banned. The smokeless doesn’t burn well and gives less heat though I know it’s better environmentally. This stuff is from Colombia - it is available because the Germans need it for power stations. Last time we went it cost £83 to fill the car boot. This time it was £350. We’ll go for more before it’s all sold and store in the garage.

I got Mr C to promise we’d go for a beach walk in return for my help with the coal shovelling. The tide was out, showing just how far along the beach the Aln estuary is going before reaching the sea. Mr C is walking by the river with the sandbank on the other side. When the tide comes in that won’t be seen. Though it was bright it was cold.

There is an offer on Blurb so I must upload the Campbell year book. It can be an Easter present for the family.

We are going to Chris for food tonight. Her 36 year old son moved back in at Christmas. I wonder if he’s had any luck job-hunting - he’s only worked one year in his life, as a teacher, but he didn’t like it. His little boy is here for a visit.

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