Wine,Women & Song

By CelloNerd

He doesn't do a lot, he only does a little

This is Mr. Dibbs Doolittle, our handsome grey tabby. It's hard to believe that he's now 11 years old. I can still clearly remember driving home with him as a tiny kitten, mewing and mewing and mewing the entire way. He has always been a very chatty, yet extremely shy fellow.

When I emerge from my bedroom each morning, Mr. Dibbs Doolittle is, without fail, sitting right outside the door in perfect cat formation, waiting to "lead" me towards the kitchen where I'm to get him some breakfast. He meows "good morning" and we trot down the hall together.

Unlike our other cat, Miss Mittens, Dibbs does not care to be held, and has never hopped into anybody's lap, preferring to remain in his cat bed with his "plus sized" body oozing over the sides in a sensual, Rubenesque pose.

He's a great guy. He doesn't do a lot. He only does a little. He's Mr. Dibbs Doolittle!

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