Place: Largo, FL 71/86
Main activity: Tues - very little
Notes: Woke ~ 530a but didn't get up right away. Was cool again so opened up windows and front door to get air flow. Morning online videos, went to the pool around 11a for about an hour ... this is one path of 3 I take to the pool and back, probably the most common. Made a big salad and was going to do some veggies but didn't feel like them after the salad. Talked to Mom - she's still overstepping on what kinds of jobs to apply for and saying they're still praying and I should be too. Not too hard to shut down around that kind of thinking. Read a bit more of The Alchemist, went to do the 3 short Light Language audios from Jo and fell asleep before the first one finished. Mom called later and I told her I didn't want to talk about it anymore and it wasn't making me feel any better - she seemed to accept that. Watched some shows in the evening and then chatted w/ Bonnie for a bit on Signal ... tired all day.

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