Hunter meets Raven

My brother and sister-in-law dropped in with Hunty this morning. Hunty wanted to meet Raven. Nora was at kindergarten or she would have been here too. Raven was not phased by a small human and he was in charge of her favorite toy after all. Hunter's Picc Line is under that gray cut sock on his right arm. Hopefully it will be removed on Thursday.

Might I direct you to Raven's rather magnificent tail for an 8 month old. It's quite impressive, but doesn't have the paintbrush tip like every other cat companion I have known.

In the extras you can see brave little 10 month old formerly feral Fianna stepping over the threshold from her bedroom into the upstairs hall. She gets more comfortable every day. Our precious Merry jumped over every threshold in this old house.

For the Record,
This day came in sunny and warm, a lovely day for us, not so lovely for Trump.

All hands happy

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