
By studiob

This is a Very Good Day

A fabulous day was had by Eli and myself today.

I picked up Eli after his first day of summer preschool at St. Mary's and he did great!

It was a special moment, a milestone. And bittersweet.

We then picked up some lunch and headed home to rest. After that we rebuilt the Marble Race before heading outside to do some gardening.

But I need to back up.

Before that, Eli discovered the headbands I had on our cherub statures (See April 29th) for New Year's and wanted us to put them on which we did. He put his on and I put mine on.

He put on his differently than I did.

Then, we headed outside, I discreetly taking off my headband (which I now think I shouldn't have, stupid vanity). I then showed him how to use the trimmers which he did very well.

Eli worked very hard and diligently
trimming hydrangeas,
pulling weeds,
gathering twigs, branches and leaves,
emptying the above into the trash.

All done with the sweetest spirit, at one time saying, "This is a very good day."

I know these days won't last forever. But we had today. And I'm so thankful for that.

This was a very good day

Oh, and Happy New Year!

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