Mo's picture story

By jettygirlx

Cotton Frocks and Hail Stones

What a strange day! Bare legs, cotton frock, intermittent breezy gusts and showers of hailstones! Made for interesting vistas on Buchanan Street but I plumped in the end for the colourful floor of the Paperchase store in the new Buchanan Galleries development. The store is lovely and the tidal waves of Moleskin notebooks, diaries and laptop cases are almost overwhelming; but I reminded myself that I have lots already and keep them pristine in a drawer because I'm saving them for best!!!

On a negative note, Tinderbox has taken on the cafe in the store and although serving good coffee has chosen hideous battered and grubby looking 'retro' style furniture.... shabby metal chairs, chipped formica tables and ancient sofas held together with duck tape don't do it for me, so I won't be back! Pity! I like their Ingram Street venue where the shabby doesn't look out of place.

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