Out and about - but not very far!

A beautifully WARM sunny day!  All day long. 

The significance of today's photo is the bicycle - yup, I finally went out on the beautiful machine that Santa, in the guise of my brother, bought for me for Christmas.  First time on a bicycle since, ahem, well, since before I went to live in Istanbul in '97.  I'd be fibbing if I said I didn't wobble a bit, but I stayed on the path, and didn't fall off!!  Yay!  Collected some dandelions for Tortie while I was out. 

Back home it was an evening of comfort and family - bro came for dinner and Maddy, Harry and Charlie all came round for a cuppa. It's so easy when we are nearly neighbours. 

I wish you peace on this Good Friday, Happy Easter to everyone in blip land and beyond. 

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