Cucklington Church

This is the church in the village where I grew I was christened there, married there and both our children were also christened there even though we did not live there then. My brother still lives in the village and we went to visit him today for a family reunion.  My parents are also buried in the graveyard so whenever I visit the village I do go to the churchyard.

So great to have lovely weather so that my brothers family ….two children married with four grandchildren, and my family..two children married and three grandchildren could all meet. 19 of us in total with children aged12,11,6,5,5,3,3. It’s the first time we have all met together as the two youngest are only 3 and COVID interrupted so many things. 
I had wanted a family photo of everyone as the last one was six years ago! My brother organised a local person to come and take a big group photo so I hope it turns out well.

As it was such a sunny day they could all play in the garden…football and cricket plus an Easter egg hunt. The older children were great with the younger ones. 

My brother still has the farm so some of the grandchildren were delighted to see the calves and the cows but the highlight was a ride on a very large tractor!

We drove back up the A303 with no problems going east but there were still huge queues around Stonehenge and further west at 5.30pm….I think Devon and Cornwall will be very busy this weekend.!

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