
I was at my ophthalmologist's office to get my eyeglass prescription when who should walk in but Roselie!  I'd forgotten that I'd recommended Dr. Seto to her.  I've had no contact with her for some two months now, and that was when I ran into her in the garage.  When I've Emailed her, she's always said she was dealing with health issues and would get in touch when she felt better.  Well, there have been developments - she'll be getting a mitral valve repair in a couple of weeks and will from then on be and feel healthier and more energetic and open to socializing again.  I'm hoping that all goes smoothly.

The not so good surprise was finding that there are now advertisements included in my Email.  There were 24 of them today!  All of them were totally irrelevant; obviously the carrier is selling space on my account.  I marked them all as Junk and blocked them, but I don't know what I can do to stop them.

It didn't rain after all today, so I was able to photograph these lovely cherry blossoms to share with you.

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